PROGRAMME > Par auteur > Ziemons Eric
DD-SIMCA and PLS regression models applied to NIR spectroscopy for identification and assay of ciprofloxacin tablets Christelle Ange WAFFO TCHOUNGA, Pierre-Yves Sacré, Patient CIZA HAMULI, Rose Ngono Mballa, Eric Ziemons, Philippe Hubert, Roland Marini
Is SVM a black box? Visualization and interpretation of SVR models to analyze glycosylation in pharmaceutical proteins (mAbs, Fc) based on infrared spectroscopy FT-IR Sabrina HAMLA, Pierre-Yves Sacré, Allison Derenne, Kheiro-Mouna Derfoufi, Ben Cowper, Claire I Butré, Arnaud Delobel, Erik Goormaghtigh, Philippe Hubert, Eric Ziemons